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Girl Scouts

The girls scouts are from 11 to 15 years old.  

The Girl Scout organisation consists of  Beavers, Brownies, Scouts, Hikers and Instructors.  In Windsor, Scouts group (Lilies) and Brownies (Lady Bugs) were founded in September 2014.

Girl scouts meet once a week to learn about polish history, sing polish songs, play games and sports.  Throughout the year they are involved in many activities like for example:  Remembrance Day celebrations (11 November), keeping up a polish tradition of caroling (January), weekend camp trips and hikes.  The culmination of the scouting year is celebrated by gathering of all scouts from Ontario and Quebec at Kaszuby, Ontario (near Barry’s Bay). In 2017, our girls scouts had an opportunity to participate in the World Scouts Jamboree which was held at Tamaracouta, Quebec.  There were over 1,300 participants from 12 different counties.